Women in Property welcomes you to a seminar “Comfort is Key”; why we need a fabric first approach to refurbish the current building regulations to solve damp, mould, condensation, fuel poverty, over heating and thermal discomfort.
How could this also solve poor quality and the performance gap whilst reducing the carbon footprint?
Explore these issues with our 3 speakers and there is also an opportunity to network whilst the buffet lunch is provided. The speakers are: Beth Williams - Build Collective, Emma Mathias-Jones - Greengauge Building Energy and Seya Tansill - Stride Treglown
Wharf Room, Widcombe Social Club, Widcombe Hill, Bath BA2 6AA
Members: £5 Non-members £15
To book
Please fill out and return this form together with your cheque (payable to "Women in Property") to: Catherine Adams, 3 Pulteney Grove, Bath BA2 4HQ. Tel: 01225 445273 catherine@machacoustics.com (Bath Sub-Committee organiser)