Manor Business Park - Planning Submission
We are pleased to have submitted a full planning application for Manor Business Park, a new commercial development sited south of the A259 at Brook Lane, Rustington. The application, submitted on behalf of Store Property Investments Limited, includes 102,300 sq ft of commercial development (E(g)(ii) R&D and B8 Warehouse use) across 18 new-build units.
With existing knowledge of the site’s constraints and opportunities having previously secured planning consent for the site, SRA Architects were approached by Store Property in summer 2021 to prepare a preliminary masterplanning study for the development of a new business park to cater for small-to-medium-sized businesses relocating within, or to, Rustington.
Through the iterative process of initial site zoning and unit massing exercises with the client and design team, a proposed masterplan was submitted for pre-application advice in early 2022, when it received positive feedback from Arun District Council. The collaborative process identified key principles of the masterplan including to improve site access and connectivity and to enhance the site’s ecological qualities, as well as offer a variety of unit types and sizes for the growing local commercial industry.
The density and distribution of development was largely defined by existing site constraints, notably areas of site within Flood Zones 2 and 3, established tree boundaries along the site perimeter, adjacent residential properties, existing site levels and public rights of ways. Where possible, the constraints were positively integrated into the masterplan; for example, existing public rights of way were used to break up building masses and provide new amenity space with enhanced green infrastructure, utilising the opportunity to manage site level changes and surface water drainage across the site.
Sustainability was considered from the outset of the proposals. Prioritising the existing green infrastructure and habitat has resulted in a scheme with a 17% increase in BNG across the site. The proposals see significant numbers of new trees and landscaping around the perimeter and along pedestrian routes, as well as the creation of key habitats for species such as water voles and slow worms. The site drainage design utilises preferred solutions from the SuDS hierarchy, using a network of rain gardens, swales, permeable paving footpaths and parking bays, as well as two large balancing ponds to provide on-site attenuation.
In addition, on-site energy generation is maximised through use of the east-west unit orientation to provide significant PV arrays on each building, delivering extensive south-facing arrays. EV charging points are accessible to users of all units with enhanced provision of 30% of total parking across the development. The simplicity and optimisation of the proposed building envelope composition, materiality and structure across the site will also provide flexibility for the client and future tenants, whilst minimising waste in manufacture and construction.
SRA Architects have thoroughly valued the opportunity to contribute to the development of Manor Business Park, helping to realise the client’s aspirations in developing an ambitious scheme on a complex site and we look forward to following the planning determination process over the coming months.